Simeng Wu

Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering at Drexel University



Hi there! I am a graduate student @Drexel University as of Sep. 2023, supervised by Yue Zheng. I obtained my B.S. from SUSTech, supervised by Kefu Huang and mentored by Mingwu Li.

My top interests lie in the area of soft robotic actuation, soft material mechanics and dynamics, along with their applications in cyber-physical interactions including VR controller, handicapped people assistance system, etc.


  • M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    Sep. 2023 - June 2025 (expected)
  • B.S. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SUSTech, P.R. China
    Sep. 2018 - July 2022

Selected Research Works

  • Contact Mechanics for Haptic Sensing
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It has been widely recogonized that soft material is going to play an important role in future VR controller. In this project, we harness the power of computer vision along with our contact mechanics model to predict both the displacement and the pressure distribution on the top surface of the substrate material (PDMS here)

We believe this research to have impact on not only virtual reality engineering, but furthur benifits the handicaped group by recovering their tactile sense. Also this should be part of a bigger picture of human-instrument interface.

The calibration device we used are from TA, inc.

[PDF] [arXiv]

  • Mechanical Characterization of Ti-Based Inorganic Solvogels,
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The most fascinating question in hydrogel is probably the topo-property relation, i.e., how does the internal topological configuration affect the averaged, macroscopic mechanical moduli. In this research, we collaborate with Layered Solids Group from Drexel material engineering. They synthesized a special 1-dimensional nano material as the building block of hydrogel. From there we set out to perform a bunch of compression test in order to unveil how the concentration would change the Young's modulus and the shear modulus.

We also observed wrinkling and jelly-like behaviour and this is really an intermediate matter state between liquid and solid. We're working into it deeper in near future.

[PDF] [arXiv]

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Update on Apr 20: Going to be disclosed in late 2024.

Pedagogical Experiences

  • 2022 Fall semester MAE Introduction to Continuum Mechanics - A, B @SUSTech
  • 2023 Fall quarter MEM 455: Introduction to Robotics; ECE/MEM 491: Senior Design @DrexelU
  • 2024 Winter quarter MEM 255 Introduction to Controls @DrexelU
  • 2024 Spring quarter MEM 455: Introduction to Robotics @DrexelU

Awards & Honors

  • 2018 outstanding freshman
  • 2019 outstanding undergraduate, second class prize
  • 2020 outstanding undergraduate, third class prize
  • 2021 outstanding undergraduate, third class prize
  • 2022 outstanding graduate; outstanding dissertation
Last Updated: 1/3/2020, 1:03:33 AM